Wednesday, 9 July 2008


When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must,
but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup;
and he learned too late when the night came down,
how close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
and when you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems afar;
so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst,
you must not quit.

by Edgar A. Guest

The Magic of Networking

Most people probably use networking to find the right job or increase sales in
business, but networking to expand your influence and get what you want in all
other areas of your life too. Networking can extend to virtually every facet of
life, from dating to finding the best doctor - and it can have an enormously
positive impact on your happiness and success. I know from experience that by
using networking in everyday life my day runs smoother.

** Networking Skills Can Be Learned **

Networking skills can be learned and you can use the same networking process to
get everything you want in life. They are based on solid principles. First
is the
law of attraction. When you are well grounded in your purpose, have clarity for
what you desire most, and are focused on your specific needs, the universe will
come to your aid through your network.

The second principle is the law of connection. We activate this law through
gratitude, forgiveness, and service to others. These three actions will build
relationships that are stronger than any destructive force known to man.

The third principle is based on the law of sowing and reaping. First you must
give, and then you will receive. The farmer gives the seed and then reaps the
harvest. The networker gives time, energy, thought, and caring for others and
then reaps the benefits of having his or her own needs met in return.

© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD


© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

The most effective business tool you have is your network of colleagues,
co-workers and friends. Is it working for you?

The other day I was giving my seminar, "How to Make an Entrance & Work a
Room"**'. A participant asked,

"Why can't I just be me? Can't they just take me or leave me?" a participant

"Sure," I said, "that is what is happening now. How is it working for
you?" With
a shy smile, she said,

"I guess it's not or I wouldn't be taking the class."

Are you putting your best foot forward to improve your memorability? Remember,
it's not who you know, as networking maven, Susan RoAne says, it's who
knows you.
It's your 'M-Factor'! How memorable are you? Are you at the 'top-of-mind' when
folks ask for a referral?

We all have heard the news that we never get a second chance to make a first
impression. The follow-up story to that is that that excellent first impression
must be sustained and maintained by excellent networking skills.



Woody Allen tells us that "80% of success is showing up"! Meeting new people is
the first step. There is no substitute for knowing people in your industry
or in
your market. Even if they are not in your market, they know people who are.
people will become your resource and you will become theirs. That's what
networking is all about.


Go to networking functions with one intent--to learn about the other people

Does that seem contradictory? Did you think that your primary purpose was show
and tell? It's not. To be memorable, you must be very interested in learning
about others. As William James, the father of psychology, tells us that "the
deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated". One way to
appreciate others is to listen intently, not with bated breath, barely waiting
until their sentences are finished so that you can add your pearls of wisdom.
Listen well. Your only agenda is to learn more about them.

Don't worry. They'll ask about you and your work. If, by chance, a person fails
to inquire about you, that person simply does not understand the system. He or
she has just given you valuable information about themselves, an unfavorable
first impression. Avoid lone rangers. They do not know how to make the net

When you take the time to build rapport by listening well and demonstrating
interest in others, your turn to report your skills, interests and
expertise will
come naturally.


Networking is not about whoever leaves with the most business cards wins. You
know they often simply sit in well-intentioned piles on your desk or in a
The only cards you need are the ones you actually asked for because you were
interested in that person. As with most things, it is the quality that
counts--the quality of the interaction that leads to the desire for the contact

Your cards have meaning. You likely do not want them being harvested for email
addresses for someone's database, right? Unless you have created quality
communication and/or a good fit for someone's immediate need, it is
unlikely that
your card will have meaning after the meeting.

Be selective in your practice of 'cardship'. Ask for the cards you want. Offer
one in return. There are very few occasions when you might thrust your card at
someone in the off-chance they might care. Develop the relationship first,
exchange cards second.


Be sure to contact the people who interested you once you have created rapport.
Send a note or postcard. Invite them to breakfast, coffee or lunch. Do this
within one week of meeting them if you possibly can.

It's a good practice to schedule two opportunities each week to meet with new
people you want to know more about. When you do meet, re-establish rapport
moving into doing business. And, once again, listen first..

Continue to make contact with folks. Send an article, a tip sheet, or fax
containing something that might interest them. When the relationship has some
foundation, then, you can begin to interest them in your business possibilities
together. People want to be known.

So back to the basic beginning, give first. Give folks the opportunity to tell
you about themselves and their work. Be curious. Follow the four steps
above and
you'll boost your memorability factor for sure.

Remember, it is not who you know, it's who knows you. People remember
people who
care. That's how the net works!


© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD

For most people, the word "discipline" has an immediate negative
connotation. It
implies something imposed from the outside, doesn't it? It means that
someone or
something is controlling or demanding, neither of which are particularly
appealing. When we do think about self-discipline, it, too, often has a
spin because it is seen as difficult and contributing to failure. Can you think
about it differently?

Self-discipline is nothing more than keeping your commitments to yourself.
If you
say something is important and significant to you, then take this little test
Does that something that you SAY is important show up a significant number of
times in either your calendar, or your checkbook, or both? If it does not,
where is the demonstration that it is important to you? Do you regularly do
you say has value to you?

I'm sure you understand the picture. I believe behavior, not words. How
about you?

So, self-discipline arises from self-esteem and self-esteem is enhanced by
self-discipline. Then, it seems natural that you take a look at your
Do you believe that you are worth spending the time and/or money on? Do you get
the "left-overs" of time and resources rather than filling your own cup? It is
not unusual to feel that you are being a "good" person when you are
self-sacrificing. That's because our society often tells us this is so. Oh,
thinking! The society says so because everyone else benefits from your
self-sacrifice. In fact, "sacrifice" itself is an interesting concept. The
dictionary says it means "the act of giving up or destroying one thing for the
sake of something else". Do you really want to be SELF-sacrificing?

© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD All rights reserved.


The best way I have found to keep positive is to minimize the bumps in the
road. One of key things you can to reduce the turbulence along your flight
to success is to take the wheel on the suggestive factors in your
surroundings. Take control of the things you are seeing, listening to and
exposing yourself to. Insure that these factors are consistently aligned
with the goals you want to achieve in your life.

1 - Learn, Learn and Learn
Gain information in areas that will move you towards your goals. Attend
seminars; learn from those that have gone before you. Take additional
courses and learn everything you possibly can. Find someone that has done
what you want to do (or even part of what you want to do) and model
them. Read their book(s), listen to them live, read their articles, write
them letters. Invite them to a lunch, get their advice. You can cut months
and even years off your trip to success by listening to and modeling your
actions after those that have proven track records in areas that are vital
to your success.

One great way of learning is audio programs. Listen to educational and
motivational programs in your car. The average person drives over 12,000
miles annually. That could be from 500 to 1,000 hours per year that you
spend in your car, usually listening to music or someone else's opinion on
politics, the weather and the news. You can quickly become an expert in
your area of interest by simply turning off the radio and putting on some
educational material instead. You are going to be in the car anyway ­ why
not turn it into a university on wheels. I know of an interpreter then
currently know 4 languages and is learning a 5th. Each of these languages
he learned in his car. You can even take your audio learning one step
farther and listen to them while you are doing yard work, while you are
painting the fence or going for a jog.

2 - See What You Want To Be
Every evening before you lay your head down to rest, and the first thing
after your pick it up, picture your goals as already reached. Imagine your
goals as though they already existed. Doing this will trigger your
subconscious mind to see opportunities you might otherwise miss, and afford
you the control to respond rather than react when life does not go the way
you want it to. However, your mind will only be activated when you feed it
these affirmations and pictures in the present tense. See your goal
vividly, feel it, smell it, taste it as if you were living it in that very
moment before you go to sleep, then again when you wake up. Picture
yourself performing at your best. While this may seem like an odd
technique, it is not. This technique is used by many Olympians and pro
athletes the world over. They have lived that winning shot, jump or sprint
thousands of times before the first time they actually execute it. You can
put this same winning technique to work for you by imagining the situation
you are facing, and seeing it working out just the way you want it to.

Picture yourself living the level of success you want to enjoy. See
yourself with the kind of family relationships you desire, the level of
fitness you wish to enjoy. Picture yourself cruising down the road in your
dream car. Pulling up to that perfect house and parking that dream car in
the garage. Whatever it is your heart desires ­ feed it all the mental
pictures of how you want it to be every night before you go to sleep, then
again when you awake. This will do wonders for your attitude and for
enabling your creative intellect to naturally come up with solutions that
will permit your imagined picture to become a reality.

3 - Fly With Eagles
I remember having a t-shirt when I was a teenage that said "It is hard to
soar with the eagles when you fly with the turkeys." This is so very true
on many levels. You need to associate primarily with like-minded, positive
and success oriented people. Find a group of winners and soar with
them. If you loose your job, who do you think is going to help you deal
with that and find another one. The group of unemployed folks down at the
local pub, complaining about the job market and their situations? Or, a
group of positive success oriented people getting together to network and
locate new opportunities? While the answer is obvious, many people do not
take that obvious answer and make it a part of their action plan.

You can not fly with the eagles if you scratch with those turkeys. Get
away from the go no where types and most certainly get away from negative
people. Wean yourself as quickly as possible away from negative
people. They have a way of siphoning the positive energy from you and
setting you adrift on a course you would rather not be on. Associating
with negative people on a regular basis is enough to lead you to a life of
underachievement, failure and frustration. So, only associate with
positive thinking men and women!

Time To Take Action
1 ­ Right now decide what one area or topic that you would like to increase
your knowledge in. Once you have decided on the topic ­ find a book,
seminar or course on that topic and get it. Then apply yourself to
learning it. You will feel better for having done so. This will feed
your desire to read the next book, attend the next seminar or take the next
course. Creating an upward attitudinal spiral that you will enjoy!

2 ­ Turn your car into automobile university. Turn off the radio more and
listen to those tapes and CDs that will feed your mind and pull you towards
your goals. You will more about your chosen topic and take your focus off
the frustrating traffic in front of you. You can also use an MP3 player
for those times your doing other tasks that would leave your mind free to
absorb more educational and motivational material. Once upon a time I did
not like to work in the yard ­ these days I pop in some Zig Ziglar, Brian
Tracy or any of my other favorite speakers and I'm off to happily trim the
bushes and mow the lawn. Try it ­it works!

3 ­ Shift your group of friends from the negative thinkers to the positive
ones. Resolve to associate with optimistic people as much as you possibly
can. Associate with winners and move away from those negative,
criticizing, complainers that will suck the energy you need to get you to
your goals. This one act can have as much impact on your life as any
another other step you will ever take.

Think Successfully and Take Action!
Tracy Brinkmann

The Every-Day Magic of Small Steps

One of the great tragedies is to carry a dream and never
take action to make it come true. To die with your dreams
and aspirations still inside you, waiting for another time,
another day, or a 'big break' is the greatest of failures.
Do not let that happen! Do not wait 'until'!

Literally every thing you see and every tool you use, even
the chair you're sitting on, began as nothing but a thought.
Someone had an idea for a chair. Henry Ford had an idea
that cars could be in every garage. Your computer began as
an idea and a series of huge, crude devices in the 1940's.
The actual computer you are looking at right now began as
someone's idea that they could manufacture and sell
computers better, faster and cheaper than anyone else.

Everything starts with an idea. It always has, and always will.

Many people have observed that 'ideas are things'.
Thoughts and words have the power to move us, to change us,
and to become living, breathing, tangible things! In a sense,
our world is made up of nothing but thoughts and words!

But there is a gulf between an idea and its fulfillment.

Most 'things' are actually still-born and never come to
fruition because we fail to span the gulf between potential
and reality. That gap can only be bridged with daily action.

How many times have you thought of an invention or process
that could be worth a fortune, done nothing about it, and
then found that same (or a similar) product for sale a few
months later? We've all had that experience. Someone got
rich off 'your' idea and the difference is that they took
specific, concrete, focused ACTION. Their product is in
the store, for sale, making them money, and your idea is
still...a dream.

Here are some basics, some essentials to make your dreams
come true:

1. Plan your days. Every evening, plan the following day.
First thing in the morning, plot your strategy. Leaders
have always done this! This is not new! But only about 4%
of the population does it. Write down your priorities and
choose your daily actions.

2. Keep a list of big things. On your desk, or on your
bathroom mirror, keep a list of your most important
projects, goals and commitments. Keep it where you see it,
and read it, every day. Keep it current. What we think
about, gets done.

3. Keep a list of small things. Keep a list of 5-minute
tasks, phone calls or notes that you can do any place, any
time. When you wait for an appointment, make that call.
When you have a minute, send a note or read a few pages.
Always know 'what's next' and take action, every single

4. Take magnificent care of yourself! Healthy, happy,
energetic people get the most done. It takes time and
energy to achieve greatness. If you 'don't have time', or
are 'too tired' or too distracted or too anything, you will
not achieve your dreams. Take care of yourself.

We've all heard the phrase, 'Rome wasn't built in a day.'
We know that 'a journey of a thousand miles starts with a
single step', and we've heard the Serenity Prayer that
begins, 'Give me the courage to change the things I can.'

You cannot achieve great things over-night because in
general, human beings do not do 'big' things. We do little
things. We get up, we go to work. We hug our loved ones,
we make phone calls. We balance the checkbook, exercise
and fix dinner. We do little things! Highly successful
people simply do the right little things, at the right
time, in the right way, and they do lots of them.

If you would achieve great things, do little things and
pile them one on top of another, until you reach the stars.

Author: Philip E. Humbert, PhD,

Heart Lessons

I was in a yoga class the other day and my instructor talked about 5
qualities of the heart: full-heartedness, open-heartedness,
strong-heartedness, clear-heartedness and light-heartedness.

Too often, we give up our passions and dreams - our full-heartedness
- in order to live a half-hearted life. Why? Perhaps it seems safer,
more comfortable, less risky. But what if it were no more emotionally
healthy than it is to live with one of our heart valves operating at
only half-capacity? T

Our open-heartedness often takes a beating as well. The small and
large losses of life can cause us to close down our hearts, as if this
will protect us from feeling too much, from being hurt or jealous or
angry. Unfortunately, it makes it more likely that we will hurt
ourselves, and that whatever emotions we are afraid to experience will
begin to exert control over our lives in ways we are not even aware of.

A strong heart is a courageous heart. The word "courage" comes from
the same root as "coeur" which means "heart". When we are
strong-hearted we are not afraid to stand up for ourselves, to speak
our needs, or to speak for those who are not able to do that for
themselves. We take risks in order to follow what is true and we do
not shrink from discovering all of who we are.

Clear-heartedness is that wonderful place of alignment with our core
selves that cuts through confusion and allows us to shine brightly,
attracting that which resonates with our uniqueness and often
inspiring others to do the same. Clarity is often born from confusion,
and a heart that instinctively "knows" what it feels like to be clear
can be the best navigator we have through difficult times because when
all else fails to make sense, we know we can trust our gut sense.

Light-heartedness is the ability to not take ourselves too seriously,
to laugh at the absurdities of life and to know that no matter what is
happening - be it wonderful or painful - that there is more good to
come, more joy to experience and more ways to appreciate that which
seeks to sustain us.

All of these qualities of the heart allow us to bring forward move of
who we really are in our most compassionate and truest forms. Isn't
that what it's all about?

Author: Joy Kirstin

Patricia Fripp : The Genius of Teamwork

True teamwork is the rarest, most exhilarating, and most
productive human activity possible. Every business wants to
harness this incredible energy, but achieving such a level
of motivation and esprit is not always easy.

A team is not just a group of individuals who work at the
same location or have the same logo on their business card.
A real team is made up of people who may be unequal in
experience, talent, or education, but who are equal in their
commitment to working together to achieve the goals and good
of the organization, each other and their customers.

If we are going to be successful, we can no longer look at
our organizations as departments, divisions, or branch
offices. We must look at the bigger picture and resolve to
work together in ways we may never have done before.

We may even need to cooperate with the competition. Think of
all the mergers and acquisitions in the past few years. Your
number one competitor today could be your partner tomorrow.

Futurist Bob Treadway CSP, from Littleton, Colorado often
gives the Mensa IQ Test to participants in his seminars. He
has found that many "average" people, when working as a
team, test at "genius" level or higher.

Participants contribute in different ways. Some brainstorm.
Some work alone and then report back to the group. Treadway
finds that a team "becomes a genius when everyone works

Treadway also noticed that when a team is working at optimal
performance, it is hard to know who the leader is. In other
words, the team runs the team.

Such teamwork doesn't happen by accident. It requires
commitment and effort, a willingness to accept the
uniqueness of others, and an appreciation of diversity. We
build teams in our companies the same way we build
relationships with our friends and coworkers.

High-functioning teams establish us and our companies as
reliable, internally and externally. We then project this
image to our customers, vendors, competitors, and

With downsizing and restructuring, many managers today are
responsible for as many as 250 people. More than ever, these
managers need to build responsible and committed team
members if they want the best performance from them. But how
do they go about it?

A very dynamic, productive example was the team led by Mike
Powell, when a senior scientist at Genentech. Because of its
past successes, his ten-person team was given the most
important assignments. I asked Mike how he managed to keep
his people highly motivated in an environment with long
hours and a great deal of frustration.

"I keep them happy," he said. Now, every manager wants to do
this, so I pressed Mike for details. "Ten years ago," he
continued, "I told team members only what I thought each
needed to know. Now I tell everyone everything. It may slow
them down a bit while they are filtering through all the
information, but they get the big picture. Then they can
then decide what it is they need to know and do."

He added, "I also gave them lots of positive feedback via
email and voice mail. One group at Genentech lost their
leader, but they stayed incredibly productive. I left a
voice-mail message for one of them, saying 'Everyone in the
company is talking about how well you all are doing.' They
were really effective as a team and appreciated knowing it."

Building a real team gets real results, but it can't be done
with slogans and directives. Ed Stair, Senior Vice President
at Gap talks about 'Gap Heroes,' everyone who uses
innovation to find ideas to save money or improve

Start by respecting each person's individual contribution,
showing appreciation, exciting them about their
possibilities for achievement, and sharing with them that
their group effort has the potential for real genius. Good
Patricia Fripp CSP,CPAE is a San Francisco-based
professional speaker on Change, Teamwork, Customer Service,
Promoting Business, and Communication Skills. She is the
author of Get What You Want! and Past-President of the
National Speakers Association., 1-800 634 3035

Jim Rohn: The Major Key to Your Better Future is You

Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe
personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit
growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without
personal growth. It's really the open door to it all. In fact I'd like to
have you memorize a most important phrase. Here it is, "The major key to
your better future is YOU."

Let me repeat that. "The major key to your better future is YOU." Put that
someplace you can see it everyday, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, at the
office, anywhere where you can see it everyday. The major key to your
better future is YOU. Try to remember that every day you live and think
about it. The major key is YOU.

Now, there are many things that will help your better future. If you belong
to a strong, dynamic, progressive company, that would help. If the company
has good products, good services that you are proud of, that would
certainly help. If there were good sales aids, that would help, good
training would certainly help. If there is strong leadership, that will
certainly help. All of these things will help, and of course, if it doesn't
storm, that will help. If your car doesn't break down, that will help. If
the kids don't get sick, that will help. If the neighbors stay half way
civil, that will help. If your relatives don't bug you, that will help. If
it isn't too cold, if it isn't too hot, all those things will help your
better future. And if prices don't go much higher and if taxes don't get
much heavier, that will help. And if the economy stays stable, those things
will all help. We could go on and on with the list; but remember this, the
list of things that I've just covered!
and many more - all put together - play a minor role in your better future.

The major key to your better future is you. Lock your mind onto that. This
is a super important point to remember. The major key is you. A friend of
mine has always answered when asked, "How do you develop an above average
income?" He says, "Simple. Become an above average person. Work on you."
My friend says, "Develop an above average handshake." He says, "A lot of
people want to be successful, and they don't even work on their handshake.
As easy as that would be to start, they let it slide. They don't
understand." My friend says, "Develop an above average smile. Develop an
above average excitement. Develop an above average dedication. Develop an
above average interest in other people." He says, "To have more, become
more." Remember; work harder on yourself than you do on your job. For a
long time in my life, I didn't have this figured out.

Strangely enough, with two different people in the same company one may
earn an extra $100 a month, and the other may earn a $1,000. What could
possibly be the difference? If the products were the same, if the training
was the same, if they both had the same literature, the same tools. If they
both had the same teacher, the same compensation plan, if they both
attended the same meetings, why would one person earn the $100 per month
and the other person earn the $1000? Remember here is the difference...the
difference is personal, inside, not outside, inside.

You see the real difference is inside you. In fact, the difference IS you.
Someone once said, "The magic is not in the products. The magic is not in
the literature. The magic is not in the film. There isn't a magic meeting,
but the magic that makes things better is inside you, and personal growth
makes this magic work for you.

The magic is in believing. The magic is in daring. The magic is in trying.
The real magic is in persevering. The magic is in accepting. It's in
working. The magic is in thinking. There is magic in a handshake. There is
magic in a smile. There is magic in excitement and determination. There is
real magic in compassion and caring and sharing. There is unusual magic in
strong feeling and you see, all that comes from inside, not outside. So,
the difference is inside you. The real difference is you. You are the major
key to your better future.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Jeff Keller: Confront Your Fears and Grow

Have you ever been afraid or filled with anxiety before
trying a new or challenging activity? Has that fear or
anxiety ever stopped you from moving forward? If you
answered "yes" to either or both of the above questions,
welcome to the human race.

Before going on, let's clarify. I am not talking about
physical risks that might injure you or endanger your
health. Rather, I mean those instances where you are
apprehensive about new situations or about dealing with
people in ways you seldom -- or never -- have.

Each of us has a comfort zone ... a zone of behavior which
is familiar to us and in which we feel comfortable and safe.
Think of your comfort zone as the inside of a circle. The
activities and situations that lie inside the circle are
non-threatening and familiar.

They are routine, part of your everyday life. The activities
and situations that are outside the circle are uncomfortable
and produce anxiety; you tend to avoid them.

While operating within your comfort zone, you feel capable
and secure. However, you are occasionally confronted with
experiences or challenges that lie outside your comfort
zone. At these times, you suddenly feel nervous. Your palms
become sweaty and your heart pounds. You are terrified. You
begin to wonder ... Will I be able to handle it? Will others
laugh at me? What will my friends and relatives say?

If I could give you a way to confront uncomfortable
situations without fear or anxiety, you would be ecstatic
and eternally grateful, right? Well, I'm sorry, but there is
no such magical solution. How, then, can you muster the
courage to do those things that you fear, but which are
necessary for your success and growth?

The Price You Pay
When confronted with an anxiety-producing event, many people
will retreat to avoid the fear and worry. And, in fact,
backing off does relieve the anxiety that would have
resulted if you followed through with the activity. That's
the "benefit" you derive from retreating -- a momentary
avoidance of fear and anxiety.

However, I want you to seriously consider the price you pay
when you back away from life's challenges: Your self-esteem
is lowered. You feel powerless, depressed, frustrated,
unfulfilled. You sabotage your success. Furthermore, you
guarantee yourself an uneventful, boring life.

Is this a price worth paying for the temporary escape from
fear and anxiety? Unfortunately, most of us are far too
willing to pay this dear price, simply to avoid discomfort
and possible ridicule from others.

Life does not reward those who refuse to expose themselves
to difficulty. Indeed, the degree of success you attain is
related to your willingness to be uncomfortable and take
risks. It is important, therefore, that you put yourself in
a position to win. This often means taking action despite

Adopt A New Attitude
I suggest that you adopt a different outlook when
confronting an anxiety-producing situation. Most people
focus on the possibility of an unsuccessful result and the
accompanying ridicule or rejection. Then, they decide to
back away. While you should always expect a positive outcome
(and prepare accordingly), do not be overly concerned with
the result.

Rather, consider yourself an immediate winner when you take
the step and do the thing you fear. You are a winner just by
entering the arena and participating, regardless of the

As we know from past experience, the fear and anxiety that
we build up before a new challenge is usually greatly
exaggerated. When we do the feared activity, we learn that
it is not as frightening or difficult as we had expected.
Like getting off a previously-dreaded roller coaster, we
often find that we've enjoyed the activity and are ready to
do it again.

Ralph Waldo Emerson offered some simple advice that, if
followed, can transform your life. He said, "Do the thing
you fear and the death of fear is certain." I know that this
advice makes sense to you, but that some of you are just too
afraid to act.

Remember my prior words about the steep price you pay when
you let your fears dominate you. Simply put, retreating from
your fears is a losing strategy.

Instead, stretch yourself. Confront your fears and be
willing to expand your comfort zone. The courage muscle can
be developed just like any other -- with exercise. And, best
of all, when you push through temporary fear and anxiety by
taking action in one area of your life, you will develop
additional confidence in other areas as well.

So, don't delay any longer. Face your fears. Accept the
challenge. It's a decision you won't regret.

-- Jeff Keller
(c) Attitude is Everything, Inc.

Brian Tracy: Unlocking Your Creativity

Creative thinking can be stimulated by two things; intensely desired goals
and pressing problems. Your creative capacities need something to hone in
on and your job is to provide it.

A Continual Stimulus for Ideas
Intensely desired goals, clearly defined with detailed plans for their
accomplishment act as a continual stimulus for ideas to achieve them.

Visualize Your Goals
To trigger your imagination, write out a clear description of your ideal
end result or goal. Be clear about the goal, be flexible about the process.
Think about it, visualize it as realized over and over. Project your mind
forward to the picture of the realized goal and then look back to the present.

Define Your Goals Clearly
Think on paper. Make a plan and then work on the plan, updating it,
changing it, adding to it as you think of new ways to work toward the goal.
The more clearly defined and keenly desired your goals, the more of your
natural creativity will be released for goal attainment.

The Proper Approach to Problems
The second stimulant to creativity is pressing problems. The key to idea
generation when you face a problem is to approach the problem confidently,
expectantly, with the attitude that there exists a logical, practical
solution just waiting to be found.

The most creative people have a relaxed attitude of confident expectancy
that causes their minds to function in original and imaginative ways.

Diagnose Your Problems Accurately
Define your problems clearly in writing. Accurate diagnosis is half the
cure. Sometimes you will find that you are dealing with a "cluster
problem," one that is made up of several smaller problems. Your job is to
sort them out and then go to work on each one separately.

Break Up the Clusters
In many cluster problems, there is a core issue surrounded by a lot of
symptoms. Creative thinking requires that you separate the core issue, and
then focus on resolving that before worrying about the smaller problems.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to stimulate your creativity.

First, be absolutely clear about your goal. Write it down and make a plan
to achieve it. Think of different ways you could accomplish it.

Second, define your problems clearly and then make a list of all the
possible solutions to your problem. Take action on at least one idea

Author: Brian Tracy