Monday, 28 July 2008

'How To Close On Resistance'

Suppose you've just finished your business presentation and your prospect
resists your
offer. For example, let's say that your prospect tells you she doesn't have
the time
to do network marketing. What do you say?

Give up?

Here is a simple language formula for increasing your closing ratio by 40%
when you
get resistance at the end of a presentation:

Step 1. Agree
Step 2. Listen
Step 3. Probe
Step 4. Create Disagreement
Step 5. Solution

Here's how it might play out:
Prospect: 'Thanks for showing me your program but I just don't have the
time to add anything to my
schedule right now.'

You: (Agree) 'Hey, no problem. I think you ought to pass on having a
part-time business that
doesn't fit within your present schedule.'

You: (Listen)
Prospect: 'I like your program though. It's just the time thing you see.'

You: (Probe) 'What do you like about the program?'

Prospect: 'Well, it looks like you have some really great products and they
could help a lot of people.
I've always wanted to have my own business and this one looks pretty good.'

You: (Create Disagreement) 'But you're not really serious about having your
own business are you?'

Prospect: 'Actually, I am. I know I'd be good at running my own business.
I'm very motivated to
make money and work for myself.'

You: (Offer Solution) 'May I make a suggestion?

('Yes') Why don't we get you started on a very limited schedule--one you
would feel totally
comfortable with. As your income grows, you can always add more hours. That
way it won't conflict
with your present schedule. How does that sound?'

Prospect: 'Yeah, I could handle that.'
Cha ching!

Author: Hilton Johnson


by Edgar A. Guest

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must,
but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering man;
often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup;
and he learned too late when the night came down,
how close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out - the silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
and when you never can tell how close you are,
it may be near when it seems afar;
so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - it's when things seem worst,
you must not quit.

Would you like to increase your creativity?

Thinking increases creativity.

Think association. What can you associate with what you are thinking about?
Think combination. What can you combine with what you are thinking about?
Think rearrange. What can you rearrange in what you are thinking about?
Think adaption. What can you adapt to what you are thinking about?
Think substitution. What can you substitute for what you are thinking about?
Think magnification. What can you magnify about what you are thinking about?

Then, if you can't associate, combine, adapt, substitute, magnify, or
rearrange, what can you do with it? That's where the creativity really
comes in. Try it with everything you come across for the next week. See
where that takes your mind. Enjoy the trip.

by Jan Tincher

Do you know how to form a belief?

To form a belief, you need to recall or imagine enough experiences to
build your belief up. Let's say you want to build up a belief that says
you are successful at something. What have you been successful at
before? Remember all those times, and just for the heck of it, imagine
it even better than it was, because your brain does not know the
difference between real and VIVIDLY imagined.

Think of those experiences that build your belief up. If you have more
experiences that tear you down than build you up, your belief won't
stand on its own, so really work on this. *Tear down" the beliefs that
hold you back. Imagine them a long ways away from you, and bring up
close all those real or VIVIDLY imagined successful times.

Your experiences are like table legs and your belief is the table. You
need to form experiences *table legs* that support your beliefs *the

Author: Jan Tincher


"Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy
even the best strategy."
General George S. Patton, Jnr.

"Always stay humble, and stay hungry!"
-- Mark Colyer

Positive Attitiude

Author: Arthur Buchanan

The story of your life is still being written and why not make the final
chapter a happy one!


What we want to let you know is this, that you hold all the keys to your
future and only you can change you, so why not work at
changing yourself for the better and make yourself the best you that you
possible can? You can write the rest of your life as a
success and they may say


wouldn't that be a great way to go out with a bang and a feather in your
cap, after all you have been through! So let's grab that
pen and start to write the final chapter of your life, but how you may ask?
Well the first thing that we need to develop is a
positive attitude and this will do wonders for you in all areas of life and
it is a must in writing a successful ending to our


We are not going to go into that in great detail on how to do this because
in this book as it's not the goal of this book and
because I go into it in great detail how to have a positive attitude in my
previous book


Here are some suggestions for having a positive attitude:

1) No matter what the situtation looks like you need to say to yourself,
things are going to turn out all right I just know it.

2) When you need a lift say postive affirmations and this should lift your

3) On a regular basis you need to listen to postive tapes and read
motivational books every chance you get.

4) Smile, Smile, Smile it will do wonders for your self esteem not to
mention you will become more like able

Those are some basic things you can do for a postive attitude.

Now that we have the seedlings of a positive attitude, what's next? Let's
work on self esteem a bit. I know you may be saying
to yourself this book sure took a funny twist, but everone can use a
postive attitude and some good healthy self esteem now and


How do we get healthy self esteem?

One, is to know that there has never been anyone like you ever created in
the entire world and as long as this world keeps
creating people thier shall never be another like you! You are unquiue and
speaical and no nobody can be a better you than you
can be, you are a winner, so be the winner you were made to be and that
should be enough for anyone. Know that you are loved by
God! Please belive me when I tell you that he loves you and that should be
enough to keep anyones self esteem up knowing that God
almighty loves them and without fail I might add,


So when you are getting down on yourself remember that


And that you can never a have poor self esteem when we know that God truely
loves us!


Please try to understand that we are just touching on these area's in this
book and that they should be covered in greater
detail to understand how they fully work.


What we mean here is the fact that you need to reprogram your brain to
think in a different manner. When you get an
undesirable thought you need to put in a different thought as fast as you
can. Example this is a bad day:(


This day isn't so bad and I know that it's only going to get better:) You
have just had your first lesson in retraining your
brain! How did it feel? Pretty painless hun, after time you will find that
you really kinda like the retraining stuff and it is
showing postive results also so why not develop it until you are a pro at it.



The most effective business tool you have is your network of colleagues,
co-workers and friends. Is it working for you?

The other day I was giving my seminar, "How to Make an Entrance & Work a
Room"**'. A participant asked,

"Why can't I just be me? Can't they just take me or leave me?" a participant

"Sure," I said, "that is what is happening now. How is it working for
you?" With
a shy smile, she said,

"I guess it's not or I wouldn't be taking the class."

Are you putting your best foot forward to improve your memorability? Remember,
it's not who you know, as networking maven, Susan RoAne says, it's who
knows you.
It's your 'M-Factor'! How memorable are you? Are you at the 'top-of-mind' when
folks ask for a referral?

We all have heard the news that we never get a second chance to make a first
impression. The follow-up story to that is that that excellent first impression
must be sustained and maintained by excellent networking skills.



Woody Allen tells us that "80% of success is showing up"! Meeting new people is
the first step. There is no substitute for knowing people in your industry
or in
your market. Even if they are not in your market, they know people who are.
people will become your resource and you will become theirs. That's what
networking is all about.


Go to networking functions with one intent--to learn about the other people

Does that seem contradictory? Did you think that your primary purpose was show
and tell? It's not. To be memorable, you must be very interested in learning
about others. As William James, the father of psychology, tells us that "the
deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated". One way to
appreciate others is to listen intently, not with bated breath, barely waiting
until their sentences are finished so that you can add your pearls of wisdom.
Listen well. Your only agenda is to learn more about them.

Don't worry. They'll ask about you and your work. If, by chance, a person fails
to inquire about you, that person simply does not understand the system. He or
she has just given you valuable information about themselves, an unfavorable
first impression. Avoid lone rangers. They do not know how to make the net

When you take the time to build rapport by listening well and demonstrating
interest in others, your turn to report your skills, interests and
expertise will
come naturally.


Networking is not about whoever leaves with the most business cards wins. You
know they often simply sit in well-intentioned piles on your desk or in a
The only cards you need are the ones you actually asked for because you were
interested in that person. As with most things, it is the quality that
counts--the quality of the interaction that leads to the desire for the contact

Your cards have meaning. You likely do not want them being harvested for email
addresses for someone's database, right? Unless you have created quality
communication and/or a good fit for someone's immediate need, it is
unlikely that
your card will have meaning after the meeting.

Be selective in your practice of 'cardship'. Ask for the cards you want. Offer
one in return. There are very few occasions when you might thrust your card at
someone in the off-chance they might care. Develop the relationship first,
exchange cards second.


Be sure to contact the people who interested you once you have created rapport.
Send a note or postcard. Invite them to breakfast, coffee or lunch. Do this
within one week of meeting them if you possibly can.

It's a good practice to schedule two opportunities each week to meet with new
people you want to know more about. When you do meet, re-establish rapport
moving into doing business. And, once again, listen first..

Continue to make contact with folks. Send an article, a tip sheet, or fax
containing something that might interest them. When the relationship has some
foundation, then, you can begin to interest them in your business possibilities
together. People want to be known.

So back to the basic beginning, give first. Give folks the opportunity to tell
you about themselves and their work. Be curious. Follow the four steps
above and
you'll boost your memorability factor for sure.

Remember, it is not who you know, it's who knows you. People remember
people who
care. That's how the net works!

© Rhoberta Shaler, PhD All rights reserved

What have you created today?

What have you created today?

Whether you realize it or not, you've been very busy in the act of creation.
Perhaps you've been hard at work or maybe just hanging out "doing nothing,"
but either way you've actually been forging your future.
This ongoing construction of your destiny is taking place every moment of
every hour of your life, and the most significant source of your future
invention is your own individual consciousness.

Author: Sandra Anne Taylor and Sharon A. Klingler

just Quote

"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter
-- Goethe

"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
-- Joan Borysenko

"It is just the little touches after the average man would quit that make
the masters fame"
-- Orison Sweet Marden

"The reason so many people never get anywhere in life is because when
opportunity knocks, they are out in the backyard looking for four-leaf
-- Walter Chrysler

"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of
little consequence. The only consequence is what we do."
-- John Ruskin