Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Quote: Dream, Life & You

Each of us was born with wings...(and) has the ability to
go farther than we ever thought possible, to do things
beyond our wildest imaginings.'
-- Barbara Stanny

'If you can DREAM it, you can DO it.'
-- Walt Disney

'A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan
and a deadline.'
-- Harvey Mackay

'It only takes one person to change your life - you.'
-- Ruth Casey

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

In the end, performance counts and in many ways, ONLY
performance truly matters. Words are interesting and
emotions are powerful, but in the end, it's what we DO
that matters.

The old saying, 'who you are speaks so loud I can't hear
what you say' is very important because it addresses both
the shallowness of words, and the reality that in life we
measure who a person IS by what they DO.

Over a hundred years ago, William James, arguably the
founder of modern Psychology, noted that 'we sing because
we're happy, and we're happy because we sing.' Emotions can
cause behavior (feelings happy makes us smile), but more
importantly, our behavior creates emotions in a reciprocal
relationship that is vitally important.

If you want to feel happy, do the things that MAKE you
happy - tell a joke, attend a concert, tickle a child, fly
a kite. For normal, healthy adults, most of our feelings
are the RESULT of how we think and what we do.

How often have you felt bored or tired, then gotten
involved in some project and discovered that the activity
picked you right up? We've all had that experience because
positive ACTIONS are a reliable source of positive feelings.

Athletes know all about this. It's called a 'runner's high'
and it's caused by chemicals (endorphins) released in the
brain. When you move your body and do stuff and breath
deeply, the brain literally, physically, rejoices!

And that has EVERYTHING to do with success, motivation and

Active, highly effective people ARE happier than the rest
of us. They do more. They think and move and create and try
more stuff! They DO more, and as a result they FEEL BETTER.

Now of course some people suffer from depression or other
physical or emotional disorders, and these are serious
medical conditions that must be treated by a professional.
If you suspect you or a loved one has a medical problem,
for goodness sake, see your doctor! Positive thinking will
NOT fix a broken leg and it won't cure depression!

But for the rest of us, I think it's time for a call to
ACTION! As a nation, we have been focused on the war, a
sluggish economy, and of course here in North America, it's
been winter! We have lots of reasons to be cautious, to
stay home, and be careful. But now spring has come. Let's
move it!

A basic law of physics says that an object at rest will
stay at rest, while an object in motion tends to stay in
motion. Let's be objects 'in motion'!

Now is the time to make those calls, write your spring and
summer business plans, set goals, even go outside and plant
some flowers. Create beauty in your yard, bring it into
your office, and add it to your home. Surround yourself
with music and laughter, with inspirational posters and
projects that excite you. It's time to invest in your
future and MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Be an object in motion! Just DO it!

Author: Philip Humbert