How do you motivate yourself? Are you moving away from failure, and
thinking how much you don't want poverty, boredom, or embarrassment? Or are
you motivated by, and moving toward success and thinking of healthy
relationships, accomplishment, financial security?
Keep in mind moving away from and moving toward are both useful motivation
strategies. For example, moving away from a dangerous situation is a very
healthy thing to do. However, if this is the ONLY way you motivate
yourself, then you are likely to be suffering from an abundance of anxiety
and stress.
Given your understanding now of how the Unconscious works, you will realise
the value of having a strong towards motivator. Studies of highly effective
people show that, in fact, they utilise BOTH moving away from and moving
towards simultaneously. Not only does this double the motivation power, it
is also setting a very clear direction.
Thirty years ago Martin Luther King wanted to strongly move away from
oppression and toward his dream of a society where all people are treated
equal. By setting a very clear direction he motivated millions to change
the course of American history.
In our experience most people have had plenty of practice moving away from
what they don't want with little or no direction to their life. This
article has given you an opportunity to use NLP to change your thinking so
that you can have want you want... or want more of. It worked for Anthony
Robbins...and it can work for you!
Here's how you can have a really resourceful state of mind and body at any
time you really need it: For that job interview, for that big presentation,
for that infuriating customer, for that important date tonight!
Choose the state, feelings and behaviour you want to have BEFORE you go
into any situation by following this simple procedure.
You can do this exercise on your own; however, it can be useful to have a
friend talk you through the steps the first time.
Stand, with about 6 feet of floor space in front of you.
1a. Imagine a circle on the floor immediately in front of you. Give the
circle a colour. Make it bright, shining or whatever makes it visually
1b. Pick a word or short phrase that symbolises an appropriately powerful
state for you. It might be "Go For It", or "Relaxed" or "Yes!", or
"Success" etc.
2. Now, recall a time when you felt "on top of the world," or "firing on
all cylinders," or some other empowered state. Go for a really good
memory--perhaps one of those times when you exceeded even your own
3. Imagine yourself back at that time. See what you were seeing then, hear
what you were hearing, feel what you were feeling. If there were any smells
or tastes, imagine those as well. Notice what you were doing and what you
were thinking at the time.
4. As your sense of being in this excellent state begins to build - Take a
deep breath, say your code word and step into the circle in front of you.
5. Stand in the circle and INTENSIFY the memory, re-living those moments
and enjoying those feelings that come naturally from doing something really
6. Now, imagine another circle with the same characteristics as the first
and repeat Steps 2 to 5 with a different empowering memory. TAKE ALL OF THE
7. Repeat with a third circle and another resourceful memory.
8. Now think of a future situation where you want to be at your best and
imagine yourself performing in the state you are experiencing now. Doesn't
it go well?
Modified from Charlotte Bretto "A Framework For Excellence" (1988)